2025 Yearly Service Calendar

Food Pantry Hours: Monday – Friday 10 AM – 12 PM | Wednesdays: Choice Pantry
Download a PDF copy of our yearly schedule here.


Monday, January 20th: Pantry Closed in Observance of MLK Day


ATTENTION: There will be no sign-ups for Easter hams this year. Hams will be distributed first come, first serve to families residing in 43201, 43202, 43210, 43211, 43212, 43219, 43220, 43221, 43224, and 43229.

MARCH 2025:

APRIL 2025:

Monday, April 14th – Friday, April 18th: Easter Ham Pickups (while supplies last)

Friday, April 25th: Feed the Children Distribution

MAY 2025:

Monday, May 26th: Pantry Closed in Observance of Memorial Day

JUNE 2025:

Friday, June 20th: Come to our Juneteenth Resource Fair! There will be free hot food and community resources during our regular hours. All are welcome!

Back to School signups: TBA

JULY 2025:

Thursday, July 3rd and Friday, July 4th: Pantry Closed in Observance of Independence Day

ATTENTION: Back to School distribution: TBA

AUGUST 2025:


Monday, September 1st: Pantry Closed in Observance of Labor Day

Monday, September 29th – Friday, November 7th: Thanksgiving Food Basket and Christmas Toy Program Sign-ups

ATTENTION: You MUST bring your address verification and children’s birthdate verification documents with you at the time of sign-up. Christmas Program available to children ages 0 – 12, residing in 43201, 43202, 43210, 43211, 43212, 43219, 43220, 43221, 43224, and 43229.


Monday, September 29th – Friday, November 7th: Thanksgiving Food Basket and Christmas Toy Program Sign-ups

ATTENTION: You MUST bring your address verification and children’s birthdate verification documents with you at the time of sign-up. Christmas Program available to children ages 0 – 12, residing in 43201, 43202, 43210, 43211, 43212, 43219, 43220, 43221, 43224, and 43229.


Tuesday, November 4th: The pantry will be closed for Election Day

Monday, September 29th – Friday, November 7th: Thanksgiving Food Basket and Christmas Toy Program Sign-ups

Saturday, November 22nd, 9 AM – 2 PM: Thanksgiving Food Basket Pickup (you must live in one of our service zip codes and sign up in advance for this distribution)

Wednesday, November 26th – Friday, November 28th: Closed for Thanksgiving


December 15th – December 19th: Christmas Toy Pickup (during regular pantry hours)
Saturday, December 20th, 8 AM – 1 PM: Christmas toy Pickup

Monday, December 22nd – Friday, January 2nd, 2026: Closed for Holiday Break

Please note: Christmas toys MUST be picked up no later than 1 PM on Saturday, December 22nd or they will no longer be available.

The pantry will reopen on Monday, January 5, 2026